Balkans, Greece, Italy – spring trips 2024 can now be booked!

Greece tours

Greece tours

Greece Archthos Topo Duo

Greece in May - The Arachthos Camps

Two rivers, five stages, a base camp, supplemented by day tours to dream streams in the surrounding area. The village of Plaka at the exit of the mighty Arachthos Canyon lies in the heart of the outdoor Eldorado Tzoumerka and is the ideal base for all paddlers and outdoor athletes. Whether designed with a lot of love Hotel "Teloneio" or the one on the river Via Natura Camping – during the Arachthos camp you can experience your paddling holiday in the perfect ambience for you. Hellas Deluxe!

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Article: Deep canyons, great cinema - From Albania to Greece - Osum Canyon

Deep canyons, great cinema - From Albania to Greece

Venetikos and Voidomatis, Arachthos and Kalaritikos. In Albania the magnificent Osum Canyon. Wow! A trip for sporty beginners and connoisseurs. A journey to the most beautiful gorges in the south. Bizarre rock faults, blue water and a road trip through the wild landscapes of Pindos and Epirus. No top sporting performances, paddling and marveling in the great cinema of geology. Holidays in Balkania with the best combined views Albania-Greece camp!

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