Balkans, Greece, Italy – spring trips 2024 can now be booked!

Authenticity of Reviews

Dear customers, product ratings are only possible for buyers of exactly this item.

So if you want to rate a product, you have to log in. How does it work? After your order you are stored in the database with the order email address. If you have a password sent to you in the login area ("Forgot your password"), you will receive a full customer account with a list of all the goods you have purchased and the opportunity to rate them there.

We always read the reviews that you find on Google, occasionally comment on them and do not delete them, even the few bad ones. When it comes to fake reviews, we have to decide on a case-by-case basis how to deal with them; this has only happened once so far. Google doesn't get involved.

We are quite happy with how things are going with the reviews, you can feel very annoyed by customers given the current quota. It's probably also due to real customer contact, because we're not as anonymous as the big retailers.

Thanks to all of you for making this possible!